Christmas Party for Children in Jocson Gate

December 21th 2010

JocsonGate1Christmas season for most of us is a time of joy and happiness when we gather together with our loved ones to enjoy each moment of a blessed season of the year. It is also a time for us to come to the others especially those who are less fortunate and poor to share with them what we have. Though we don’t have much to share to them but I think the most important thing is that through what we share we bring a message of love and compassion, that we really care for them. Moved by this thought, we the Novices together with the Brothers from the OMI (Oblates of Mary Immaculate) community have held a simple Christmas Party for 70 poor children in Jocson Gate which is located just close to the gate of Xavierville Subdivision.

JocsonGate2Due to the poor condition of the place where the children live, we decided to hold the party at the OMI community. The party started at 9 AM with the entertaining activities for the Children such as games and some simple presentations like singing performed by the Children themselves. They participated actively in the activities and most of them enjoyed it. In between they were refreshed by the simple “Merianda” which we prepared such as spaghetti and juices. After that the party continued going on till 11 AM and we started to distribute the gifts and award for the kids who won the games. We also distribute gifts for around 10 youths who volunteer to help us in assisting the kids. We concluded the party with the prayer and at the end of the activities they were all happy and return to their homes with joy and the blessings. This is the result which we wanted to see and create for them and we were happy too to see that the children appreciate what we have done for them.

Perhaps the coming of the Child Jesus is the root of our joy and happiness in this blessed season. Perhaps by his coming he also fill our heart with love and compassion that we may share it and give it to others through our generosity. I think this is the most important message of Christmas and a key to make our joy and happiness complete in this season.

By: Br. Joseph Tri